【Book Description】
Free PDF | Matlab For Engineering
This book provides an introduction to Matlab for engineering students and engineers. However, the book can also be useful for students, technicians, and researchers in all scientific areas whenever they need to apply Matlab to solve problems arising from their areas of studies, work, and research. It is assumed that they do not have any initial Matlab knowledge and the reader is very interested to learn this powerful tool of scientific computing.
After introducing the essential Matlab commands, mainly devoted to matrix manipulation, most of the other commands are presented in action, within programs aimed at solving specific problems. In the first part of the book, the function file is presented. This concept plays a basic role in Matlab programming and, therefore, is illustrated with many examples.
Since physical processes occur very often in space and time, the related governing equations are partial differential equations. Therefore, most Matlab programs in this book are devoted to solving these types of equations. Both the Finite Element Method and Finite Difference Method are introduced and applied. Generally, a problem is discussed globally: the mathematical model from the physical phenomena is derived and the equations are solved with Matlab.
The book presents more than a hundred listings and a number of exercises at the end of each chapter.
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