ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome

ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome

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When it comes to hexahedral meshing a sphere in ANSYS, there are two main approaches:

  • Mapping approach, which involves accurately controlling the number of boundary segments and using mapping to divide the sphere into hexahedral elements.

  • Sweeping approach, which involves cutting the sphere and creating hexahedral elements by sweeping through the sphere.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use each approach:

Mapping approach:

1. Create a sphere. In this example, we use a sphere with a diameter of 100 and Solid185 element type.

图片[1]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

2. Cut the sphere into eighths by dividing it horizontally and vertically and removing the remaining sections.

图片[2]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

图片[3]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

3. Define the mesh size and use mapping to divide the sphere into hexahedral elements.

图片[4]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育图片[5]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

4. Switch to cylindrical coordinates and copy the meshed eighths four times, including the mesh, then use symmetry to complete the sphere.

图片[6]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育图片[7]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

5. Select all and merge the coincident nodes, then renumber them using the following APDL commands:


Sweeping approach:

1. Start by creating a regular hexahedral structure inside the sphere.

图片[8]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

2. Subtract the sphere from the hexahedral structure and remove the auxiliary structure, leaving a sphere with a hexahedral cavity.

3. Project one of the hexahedral faces onto the sphere by rotating the work plane and cutting along the X-Y and Y-Z planes.

图片[9]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

图片[10]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

4.Adjust the transparency and select the one-sixth of the sphere to keep, while deleting the rest. This section will be numbered 16.

图片[11]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

图片[12]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

5. Switch to cylindrical coordinates and rotate and copy the section four times.

图片[13]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

6. Define a local coordinate system (11) as a cylindrical coordinate system, rotate the section 16 along the Y-axis by 90 degrees, and copy it along the positive and negative direction (90 degrees) to create the final meshed sphere.

图片[14]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

7. Switch back to Cartesian coordinates, create a hexahedral structure inside the sphere, and perform a Boolean bonding operation on the whole mesh.

图片[15]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

8. Select all and define the element size before sweeping the mesh to complete the hexahedral meshing process.

图片[16]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

图片[17]-ANSYS Meshing- How to Get Structured Hexahedral Mesh for a Spherome-峰设教育

Good Luck!




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